# Course ID Course name Semester E L Lab ECTS Mandatory /Elective
1 Elective courses 1 (Students choose 3 courses)
22.DIMI01 Designing Organizational Systems 1 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI02 Production management 1 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI03 Optimization Models 1 5 2 0 10 E
22.DITI08 Computer Simulation and Animation 1 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI05 Logistics - Chapters 1 5 2 0 10 E
22.DITI02 IT and Knowledge Management 1 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI06 Machine Learning in Production Systems 1 5 2 0 10 E
22.DITI11 Intelligent Educational Systems 1 5 2 0 10 E
22.DITI03 Mathematical Modeling 1 5 2 0 10 E
1 Elective courses 2 (Students choose 2 courses)
22.DIMI07 Multicriteria Analysis 2 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI08 Advanced Production Technologies 2 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI09 Global Development and Green Economy 2 5 2 0 10 E
22.DITI06 Decision Support Systems 2 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI10 Sensorics 2 5 2 0 10 E
19.DE1046 Mathematical Analysis - Selected Chapters 2 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI11 Integration of Distributed Energy Sources 2 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI19 Integrated Quality Management 2 5 2 0 10 E
6 22.DIM001 Research work 1 2 0 7 0 10 M
# Course ID Course name Semester E L Lab ECTS Mandatory /Elective
1 Elective courses 3 (Students choose 2 courses)
22.DIMI12 Advanced Product Management 3 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI13 Business Process Integration in the Enterprise 3 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI14 Computer Aided Design 3 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI16 Information Systems Organization 3 5 2 0 10 E
19.DE1042 Advanced Solar Technologies 3 5 2 0 10 E
22.DIMI17 Selected Chapters of Abstract Algebra 3 5 2 0 10 E
22.DITI14 Information Systems Development 3 5 2 0 10 E
9 22.DIM002 Research work 2 3 0 7 0 10 M
10 22.DIM003 Doctoral Thesis (theoretical framework) 4 0 20 0 30 M
# Course ID Course name Semester E L Lab ECTS Mandatory /Elective
11 22.DIM004 Doctoral Thesis (research work) 5 0 20 0 30 M
12 22.DIM005 Doctoral Thesis - preparation and defence 6 0 20 0 30 M


Degree upon completion of studies:
Doctor of Science (PhD) in Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management

Duration and scope of studies:
3 year, 180 ECTS

Completed MSc studies in the relevant field

The study program of doctoral academic studies Engineering Management belongs to the technical-technological educational-scientific field.

Based on the analysis of curricula in this area, primarily of higher education institutions in Western Europe, and the many years of experience of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak in the education of personnel in this area (at the level of basic, master's, master's studies and defended doctoral dissertations in the field of engineering management) and expert assessments are defined knowledge that PhDs in engineering management should possess.

The program aims to educate highly competent doctors of science for independent and team work in scientific research and educational institutions, the economy and the public sector. They will be capable of independent and high-quality management and coordination of scientific research projects, with the ability to constantly improve and apply new scientific knowledge in the field of engineering management, as well as use professional literature to expand knowledge.

The outcome of the learning process is the acquisition of knowledge and the training of students for independent and team scientific research work, as well as the application of acquired knowledge and skills in practice.

Upon completion of studies, the student acquires the scientific title of Doctor of Science - Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management.

Doctoral studies are organized as regular studies. Teacher mentoring can be done with a smaller group of students (5 or less students). The teacher directs students to the literature necessary for mastering the education program, monitors their work and, with regular consultations, helps them successfully master the program. As a rule, classes start at the beginning of the academic year, and are conducted in semesters. In the mentoring work, the teacher is in direct contact with the student regarding the way of using literature, mastering the intended material, preparing a doctoral dissertation and publishing the achieved research results (through professional and scientific papers).

The creation and public defense of a doctoral dissertation earns 30 ECTS credits.

The prerequisites for course enrollment are defined by the course specification. The curriculum contains compulsory and optional subjects. Elective courses are chosen from the list of proposed courses. For each course, in addition to the prerequisites for enrollment, the content, goal and outcome of the course, the number of classes and the structure of active teaching, as well as the number of ECTS are defined.